Storytellin’ with jamie allen
Writer, Jamie Allen
Jamie Allen has a healthy obsession with squirrels. What!? Yes, this writer and storyteller is creator of the Inman Park Squirrel Census. Jamie’s humble disposition and modesty often shift accolades to other well deserving members, but make no mistake, this guy is a leader in the squirrel community. He thinks about squirrels, he dreams about squirrels, he writes about squirrels, and he certainly counts them.
Jamie’s crew, made up of smart, creative and caring members of the greater human community continue to multiply, albeit not at the same rate as our furry friends. This October the Census counts again. For this EXTRA special episode of Sidewalk Radio, we sit down and learn more about this writer, modern-day dad, and the underdog victory IPSC is rallying. Oh, and we get to hear Jamie read some of his work as published in the Oxford American magazine. Enjoy!