Christmas with cooper manning
Cooper Manning
Every year around the holidays we like to give Sidewalk Radio fans a little something extra, some lagniappe if you will. Today, we score big bringing to you a rollicking conversation with football’s greatest comedic talent, Mr. Cooper Manning; brother of Peyton and Eli, son of Archie and Olivia, husband and irritant to Ellen, and fun-loving father to May, Arch and Heid. Along with the wry wit this tête-à-tête delivers, there’s also a healthy dose of indulgence. So, please, indulge us.

Sidewalk Radio Host Gene Kansas grew up in New Orleans and considers himself extremely fortunate to have known the Mannings his entire life. While Kansas was never technically invited on a family vacation, Coop remains a life long friend and one of the funniest people he knows. However, getting phone time with Coop these days is no laughing matter – the guy has become quite famous thanks to his hilarious hit show over on Fox. Let’s just say we had pull some pretty big strings to get him biting on our little slice of entertainment pie.
Enjoy this fun, funny, honest interview with the star of The Cooper Manning Hour, and a guy who can put it all in perspective…a true Christmas gift, Mr. Cooper Manning.